Request for Research – Invasive Alien Species

An Fóram Uisce requests submissions to undertake research entitled Understanding the constraints of, and developing pathways for improving the management of Invasive Alien Species in the Republic of Ireland“.

For the purpose of this Request for Research, the term Invasive Alien Species (IAS) is used to represent invasive alien and non-native species, with the focus on IAS associated with aquatic (including freshwater, near-shore marine and estuarine habitats) or riparian habitats.

IAS have been highlighted as a significant threat to Ireland’s native biodiversity and aquatic and riparian habitats, and aquatic (freshwater and marine) species dominate the top ten species most likely to arrive in Ireland over the next decade (representing eight of the top ten). The annual cost of invasive species in the Republic of Ireland is estimated to be €202,894,406 with the cost across the entire island of Ireland estimated to be €261,517,445.

For many IAS, the most cost-effective approach to minimising their environmental and socio-economic impact is the prevention of initial establishment in the first place; once established, eradication becomes increasingly difficult and often impossible.

The Water Forum wishes to offer a research tender for a scoping study to provide strategic guidance for the Forum’s consideration to 1) Understand the current constraints regarding IAS management in the Republic of Ireland; 2) Identify mechanisms for improvements in restricting IAS spread into the Republic of Ireland; and 3) Identify pathways for improving the management of IAS already established in the Republic of Ireland.

The maximum budget available is €25,000.

The deadline for submissions is Monday 9th November 2020.

For queries, please contact Dr Alec Rolston, Research Lead:


The Request for Research document is available to download here.


All submissions must be made using the Application Form which is available for download here.

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