An Fóram Uisce – the Water Forum  is a national statutory body, established in June 2018, to provide a platform for public engagement on all matters relating to water as an environmental, social and economic resource. The Water Forum provides an opportunity for stakeholders to debate and analyse a range of issues with regard to water quality, rural water concerns, issues affecting customers of Irish Water and the implementation of the Water Framework Directive and the River Basin Management Plan for Ireland.

Ireland’s waters are clean, healthy and life enhancing, supporting biodiversity and providing a basis for community wellbeing and economic sustainability.

Our Mission

The Water Forum provides a platform for the stakeholders of water quality, where the members draw on their various perspectives and expertise to address the challenges and agree governance, societal and technical policies and solutions to achieve clean and healthy waters.

The Water Forum has agreed its Strategic Plan for 2022-2027

We aim to build on the work of our first strategic plan and continue to strengthen stakeholder input into decision making regarding water as a fundamental national asset.

An Fóram Uisce – the Water Forum: Strategic Plan 2022-2027


Provide a unique and robust platform for stakeholder engagement and agreement on key issues concerning Ireland's waters


Be a proactive and authoritative national statutory body, leading on water policy, management and governance


Bring scientific recommendations to policy through analysis, dialogue and sense making


Lead on innovation in experimental governance through futures thinking


Advocate for the need for and benefits of meaningful public engagement and education in water resource management

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