Education Resources

WATER Educational Resources and Inspirational Stories

This resources is a 6 page printable pdf with information on water education programmes being provided across the country. There is a brief account of the content and links to websites and further information.

Downloadable PDF of  Water Education Resource for schools

LINK to resource, download and save or print



Water Matters at home


A short animated video explaining where our water comes from, how it is treated, our impact on it and how to protect  water resources every day at home

LINK      Water Matters at Home video

Education Strategy Objectives 2022-2024

Overarching Education Objective

The Water Forum’s overarching education objective is:

To lead on initiatives that enhance education and awareness of the value of and threats to water by developing and sharing resources, disseminating research and policy positions and encouraging learning about water.

This overarching objective is supported by three sub-objectives:

  1. Support the development of resources and campaigns to improve education and awareness of the threats to and value of water.
  2. Collaborate with agencies and stakeholders to disseminate research outputs and share policy positions on water conservation, water quality and future proofing.
  3. Work with educators and key stakeholders to support learning about water, awareness of and engagement in the protection of water resources.


Water and Climate Conference a great success

Last week the Water Forum hosted a conference to discuss Managing Ireland's Water in a Changing Climate. The event was well attended by agencies with  roles and responsibilities for managing
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