Eco Eye: On the waterfront

The EcoEye team went to meet communities across Ireland who are taking action to protect our water resources.

Anja Murray visits the Inishowen Peninsula in Donegal to speak with Trish Murphy about the work of Inishowen Rivers Trust. In Monaghan, Magheracloone Group Water Scheme are putting in hedgerow buffer strips along waterways to capture nutrients and silt washing off the land. In Ashbourne, the local community have reclaimed their local waterway to create an amenity they are all proud of.

The Local Authority Waters Programme support community engagement to protect local waterways.

To find out more about this work and how to get involved see:


The Eco Eye programme is available on RTE Player and lasts 24 minutes.

EPA State of the Environment Report is published

Every four years the Environmental Protection Agency produce an integrated assessment report on the Irish environment. The report published this week covers the past four years, and presents the most recent
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