Schools Module: Using Digital Maps to explore local water resources

The water services customer survey completed by the Water Forum in 2023 showed 54% of people did not know where their drinking water comes from.

In an attempt to address this knowledge gap, the Water Forum in partnership with Maigue Rivers Trust and academics from Mary Immaculate College has developed a number of education modules for schools. The first of these modules was shared with schools to mark World Water Day and is available on the education resource site

The module Using Digital Maps to explore local water resources is suitable for secondary school, Junior Cycle classroom-based assessments or for Transition Year students and comprises a resource book for teachers that includes 4 lesson plans, the supporting Power Point presentations and links to additional information.

Using digital maps available on the EPA  the module explores local rivers and catchments, as well as topics such as: where water is sourced, water quality in local rivers, how drinking water is treated, where and how wastewater is treated.

To support learning, encourage critical thinking and to provide an opportunity for student assessment there is also a student workbook. All of the resources have been shared through the Water Forum’s education networks and are available on the platform.

All of the Water Forum’s education and awareness resources are available on the Resources page on the website

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