Water Forum members fieldtrip to Delour catchment in Laoise

Water Forum members visit Delour River catchment in Laois.

Members of the Water Forum were hosted by the Local Authority Waters Programme this week on a field trip to the Delour catchment, a high status waterbody in County Laois. The waterbody is one of Lawpro’s priority areas for action. There were 191 priority areas for action waterbodies across the country in the second River Basin Management Plan cycle and the aim is to prioritise these for action to achieve improvements in water quality and/or status.

In each of these priority areas, Lawpro catchment scientists complete a catchment characterisation desk study to identify where issues are within the catchment. This data is used to identify areas for a follow up field study, locations where the scientists need to carry out field assessments such as biological sampling (kick sampling identifies pollution tolerant or intolerant bugs)  and chemical sampling identifies further pollutants. An analysis of the conditions along the river is also undertaken such as cattle access sites, pollution sources (septic tanks or other effluent sources) or issues such as invasive alien species.

These assessments identify the action that is needed to protect or restore the water or site quality. Site specific measures to address issues are identified in this way, and Lawpro then work with the local community or pressure owner to address the issue. The Agricultural Sustainability and Support Advisory Programme (ASSAP) officers work with farmers to implement the actions on farms to protect water quality.

The field trip allowed the Forum members to see a high status water body, some of the processes used by catchment scientists to do their assessments and some of the pressures that waterbodies experience.

A very informative and engaging day overall and we would like to thank Ruth, Cormac, Eddie, Anna from Lawpro and Donal Daly for sharing their great knowledge with us.



Water Heritage Day fund is launched

The Local Authority Waters Programme (LAWPRO) have launched a fund of €30,000, the ‘Water Heritage Day Grants Scheme 2024’ to celebrate Water Heritage Day on Sunday the 25th of August. It is
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