Still time to complete our Education Survey


The purpose of this survey is to develop An Fóram’s understanding of the non-formal water education sector across Ireland.

The results are intended to identify where:

  1. there are gaps in water education provision;
  2. where and what type of supports may be required to address such deficits
  3. explore the potential to establish a network of providers that could facilitate information sharing and
  4. potentially the development of future collaborations to raise awareness of the value of water.

In this context, ‘Water’ Education –  could cover a range of topics such as: water management, river catchments (lakes, rivers, groundwater, wells,  coastal waters, shorelines and wetlands) water chemistry, aquatic biodiversity, water ecology and habitats, aquatic food chains, invasive species, protection and restoration of waters, citizen science, how people use water, water heritage and water treatment and conservation.

 The Survey is open until September 30th and it takes only 3 minutes

                                     Please share with colleagues or associates

The results of this survey will assist us to focus our work so that we can maximise our impact on water education in Ireland by adding value to resources and opportunities through collaboration and networking.

We would really appreciate your assistance in completing the survey or sharing it with colleagues or associates who have an input to water education.

Thank you for your assistance in this matter.

Water Action Plan has been launched

The Water Forum welcomes the inclusion of its recommendations in the third River Basin Management Plan, but urgent implementation of this Water Action Plan is essential to achieve outcomes.  The
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