EPA Hydrology Bulletin June 2020

The EPA published their second Hydrology Bulletin today for the month of June.

Key findings include:

River flows

  • Mean river flows were low in the east, southeast and Shannon regions compared to May
  • Mean river flows in the west and northwest were higher compared to May
  • 80% of monitored sites showed below long-term monthly average flows

Flows at 158 river sites were compared to an analysis of historic June monthly average flows; 13 were classed as particularly high, 12 as above normal, 39 were classed as normal, 51 below normal and 43 sites particularly low (less than the 95th percentile flow for June).

Lake levels

Lake levels continue to fall, and 29 of the 40 lakes monitored were lower compared to May levels, and below the long-term monthly average for June.

Groundwater levels

During June, groundwater levels fell at 42 (93%) of monitoring wells analysed, and 87% of sites were lower than the long-term monthly average for June

Rainfall patterns

Reflect the river levels above with greater than average rainfall in the west and northwest and about 50% to 75% of average rainfall in the east and southeast of the country. The majority of synoptic stations recorded a greater percentage rainfall for the month against the Long Term average rainfall records for June.

Water Action Plan has been launched

The Water Forum welcomes the inclusion of its recommendations in the third River Basin Management Plan, but urgent implementation of this Water Action Plan is essential to achieve outcomes.  The
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