EPA Bathing Water Quality Report for 2022 issued today

It is good to see that 97% of the 148 identified bathing waters meet the minimum standard required. 79% of the sites are at excellent quality and there has been an overall improvement in status from 2021. Three sites are categorised as Poor which is up one from 2021 figures.

The main pressures impacting on bathing water sites in 2022, were urban wastewater and agricultural runoff. These pressures are particularly impactful after heavy rainfall that washes pollutants off the land and from wastewater escaping  storm water overflow pipes.  Dog fouling has been an issue on some beaches and algal blooms have been reported.

June 1st  is the beginning of the bathing season and local authorities will be monitoring water quality after that. Always check www.beaches.ie and local signage at the beach for information on the latest water quality and swimming restrictions.

In recent years there has been a significant increase in bathing at the coast and in inland waterways. If you would like your favourite swimming spot to be included as a new bathing water site, contact your local authority to have it identified as such and they will then monitor it during the bathing season.

The report is available at:

Bathing-Water-Quality-in-Ireland-2022.pdf (epa.ie)

Water Action Plan has been launched

The Water Forum welcomes the inclusion of its recommendations in the third River Basin Management Plan, but urgent implementation of this Water Action Plan is essential to achieve outcomes.  The
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