Water Forum welcomes new members

The Water Forum has held its first plenary with 13 new members, that have joined the existing 13 members who have been reappointed for a second term. All members of the Forum are nominated by their representative organisations and appointed by Minister Darragh O’Brien, the Minister for Housing, Local Government and Heritage.

The wide range of organisations and sectors brings diverse views and interests into water management issues. The new membership brings representatives from agriculture, angling, business, community and voluntary sector, domestic water consumers, education, environment, forestry, recreation, rivers trusts, rural water, social housing, tourism, trade unions and youth.

The Forum provides a platform for members to discuss and debate various water policies and to develop policy advice which incorporates the views of the range of sectors represented on the Forum.

The Forum has an independent Chair, Dr Matt Crowe, who stated that ‘I am delighted to welcome our new members and would also like to thank departing members for their time and commitment during their tenure at the Forum.  Achieving good water quality, delivery of excellent water services and planning for the future protection of water resources will remain a key focus of the Forum’s work.’

We wish the new membership great success in the coming years.

Picture includes members and the secretariat.

About Us – An Fóram Uisce (thewaterforum.ie)

Missing from the photo are Charles Stanley Smith (SWAN); Maria O’Gorman (C&V); Marie Doyle (Forestry); Martin McEnroe (Angling).

Press release

Water Action Plan has been launched

The Water Forum welcomes the inclusion of its recommendations in the third River Basin Management Plan, but urgent implementation of this Water Action Plan is essential to achieve outcomes.  The
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