Learn about water – some useful resources for schools

Now that the school year is back in full swing, it might be time to learn a little about water.  Learn about water – is a very useful 6 page pdf providing details of and links to resources that are available FREE to schools and educators. There are also interesting facts and stories about water.

There is an introduction to the Water Cycle from the National Federation of Group Water Schemes as well as an All about Water booklet with lesson activities.

There are lessons that allow you to explore your shoreline from the Marine Explorers Education programme and Clean Coasts have some tips on how you can make a difference along the coast. There are Junior Cert and Leaving Cert shoreline ecology resources.

The Irish Peatlands Conservation Council offer resources for teachers as well as field trips to bogs and nature parks.

There are links to discover loads of resources for discovering science and maths from the Science Foundation Ireland website.

Inland Fisheries Ireland have a Go Fishing resource with online modules and outdoor classroom opportunities as well as field and fishing trips to introduce angling and greater environmental awareness.

Irish Water Story of Water resource book and video gives an excellent introduction to water services.

The Water Forum video Water Matters at Home reminds us how we use water every day and the steps we can take to protect i.

Please feel free to access, download a copy and share with anyone you think will be interested in trying out some of these great resources.

Download a free copy here:

Learn about water Resource Pack


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Water Action Plan has been launched

The Water Forum welcomes the inclusion of its recommendations in the third River Basin Management Plan, but urgent implementation of this Water Action Plan is essential to achieve outcomes.  The
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