An Fóram Uisce releases videos for Science Week 2021

This is Science Foundation Ireland National Science Week and to mark the occasion the Water Forum has produced a short video to introduce the draft River Basin Management Plan. The theme of Science week 2021 is policy, science and community and the River Basin Management Plan is the perfect example of how policy is shaped by science and communities.

The video opens with an introduction from Malcolm Noonan, T.D. and there is an account of how science provides the data for the measures to be implemented to protect and restore water quality provided by Dr Caroline Wynne from the EPA.  Thomas Carolan from the Local Authority Waters Programme talks about the work that communities do to protect local waterways and how anyone can get involved in their local area.

There is also an account of what good ecological status is and how it is measured from Dr Suzanne Linnane and Dr Caroline Gilleran Stephens who work at the Centre for Freshwater and Environmental Studies at Dundalk Institute of Technology.

Finn van der Aar asks the questions.

River Basin Management Plan video


The Water Forum as an organisation also provides an example of how science and stakeholders can inform policy as explained by Dr Triona McGrath the Forum’s Research Lead.

To find out more about the work of the Water Forum see the following short video:

Introduction to An Fóram Uisce – the Water Forum


Hundreds of events are happening across the country and there are also loads of resources online.

Science Week 2021 calling on Irish public for ideas for scientific research (

Water Action Plan has been launched

The Water Forum welcomes the inclusion of its recommendations in the third River Basin Management Plan, but urgent implementation of this Water Action Plan is essential to achieve outcomes.  The
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