Early-stage Researcher Bursary Call Launched

An Fóram Uisce Early-stage Researcher Bursary Call, which opens 21st July 2021. The closing date for applications is 5pm Monday 6th September 2021.

An Fóram Uisce is the statutory body representative of all stakeholders with an interest in the quality of Ireland’s waterbodies and provides an opportunity for stakeholders to debate and analyse a range of issues with regard to water quality, including the implementation of the Water Framework Directive and Ireland’s River Basin Management Plan. Under the Water Services Act 2017, An Fóram Uisce is required to advise the Minister for Housing, Local Government and Heritage in relation to water services and the water environment.

An Fóram Uisce invites Early-Stage Researchers to undertake short, desk-based research in their field of expertise, with an aim to bridge the gap between science and policy. The purpose of An Fóram Uisce Bursary Award is to address current policy questions of importance to An Fóram and to increase the policy relevance of scientific research undertaken by Early-stage Researchers in Ireland. Successful applicants will have an opportunity to provide linkages to inform the policy process around water governance in Ireland and increase the visibility of their own research.

Four Early-stage Researcher Bursaries will be funded, one from each of the following topics;

  1. Nutrient recovery and recycling from wastewater in Ireland, with associated policy gaps and recommendations.
  2. Nature-based solutions to rural wastewater treatment for septic tanks, hamlets and small villages (<500 population equivalent).
  3. Pharmaceutical pollution in waterbodies in Ireland, learnings and policy recommendations from international policies implemented to reduce pharmaceutical pollution.
  4. Pesticide pollution in Ireland, learnings and policy recommendations from international strategies and policies to reduce the threat of pesticides to the environment.

An example of a successful 2020 Early-stage Research Report is available here, Source Protection of Small Private Drinking Water Supplies (thewaterforum.ie).

Please see attached the Research Tender for a detailed description of each topic, along with the Application Form for the call.

Research Tender

Application Form

Please send any queries to triona@nationalwaterforum.ie.

Water Action Plan has been launched

The Water Forum welcomes the inclusion of its recommendations in the third River Basin Management Plan, but urgent implementation of this Water Action Plan is essential to achieve outcomes.  The
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