Water Advisory Body Quarterly Report No. 3 of 2020

Water Advisory Body has published its Quarterly Report No 3 of 2020.

The Water Advisory Body (WAB) was established in 2018 to advise on transparency and accountability of Irish Water’s performance implementing its Strategic Funding Plan. This 3rd Quarter report evaluates five of the eleven key performance indicators that the WAB uses to assess Irish Waters performance.

Whilst welcoming improved performance in ‘ease of contact’ indicators the Water Advisory Board urges Irish Water to improve progress on replacing lead connections and to ensure that action plans are in place for each of the drinking water supplies currently on the Environment Protection Agency’s (EPA) Remedial Action List.

The WAB refers to the EPA’s ‘Urban Wastewater Treatment 2019’ drawing particular attention to the failure of wastewater treatment at 19 large urban areas, most notably Ringsend in Dublin which caters for 44% of all wastewater. The deadline for the implementation of mandatory standards set out in the Urban Wastewater Treatment Directive was 2005.

The Water Advisory Body concludes that significant and sustained action is needed by Irish Water to address drinking water supplies, leakage, mains repairs and wastewater treatment.

WAB-Quarterly-Report-No-3-of-2020.pdf (wateradvisorybody.ie)

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