Early Stage Researcher Bursaries – Call for Applications

An Fóram Uisce offers the opportunity for Early Stage Researchers to apply for individual bursaries to undertake short, desk-based research around nine water-related topics.


Up to six bursaries of €5,000 each will be awarded.


To be eligible applicants must either:

  1. Be registered for a level 10 degree at an Irish Higher Education Institution with the aim of pursuing a PhD qualification; OR
  2. Have been awarded a PhD (level 10 qualification) no more than 2 years prior to the bursary application submission deadline; AND currently be employed at an Irish Institute of Higher Education.


The deadline for applications is 5pm Monday 28 September.


Further details on the nine bursary topics and terms and conditions are available for download here.


All applications must be made using the application form which can be downloaded here.


Any queries can be directed to Dr Alec Rolston, Research Lead, An Fóram Uisce: alec@nationalwaterforum.ie

Water Action Plan has been launched

The Water Forum welcomes the inclusion of its recommendations in the third River Basin Management Plan, but urgent implementation of this Water Action Plan is essential to achieve outcomes.  The
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