A webinar is being held on 30th November 2021 to discuss nature-based approaches to urban rainwater management. Hard surfaces in urban areas can contribute to surface water pollutants and enhanced runoff during storm events accentuating flooding impacts. Warming temperatures creates more intense rainfall events which exacerbates flooding risk in urban areas. Nature-based solutions is an alternative approach that provides for greater resilience, environmental protection and sustainable living.
During 2021 a consortium of local authorities, agencies, professional bodies and stakeholders carried out a scoping study to review approaches to the implementation of nature-based solutions and they have developed a Scoping Report and an Interim Guidance Document to assist planners, developers, architects and engineers in delivering nature-based approaches to the management of rainwater in urban areas.
At the webinar, the experts to present their findings, share learnings and and give an opportunity to discuss the opportunities these new approaches provide.
Date 30th November 2021 11:00-13:00
To find out more see:
Webinar: Nature-based Sustainable Urban Draining – Catchments.ie – Catchments.ie
To register email: info@lawaters.ie
In February 2021, The European Commission published a Science for Environment Policy FUTURE BRIEF: The Solution is in Nature
Nature-based Solutions (NbS) work with nature to benefit both natural ecosystems and the people that depend on them. By putting nature at the centre, NbS address a range of societal challenges: protecting, sustainably managing or restoring natural or modified ecosystems and supporting their health, function and biodiversity. The research collated in this brief confirms that NbS deliver simultaneously multiple benefits and shows the wide-ranging beneficial impacts of scaling up their implementation across Europe.
The paper is available here:
issue-24-2021-02-the-solution-is-in-nature.pdf (europa.eu)