The 59th BTYSTE along with the Primary Science Fair is being held in the RDS, Ballsbridge, Dublin next week 12th to 14th January. This year, 550 projects from 212 schools from across the country will represent their schools and showcase their scientific achievements at the BTYSTE.
To encourage engagement and learning about water resources, the Water Forum has sponsored an award for the most innovative project and research on water and aquatic ecosystem and their management to protect and restore the quality of surface water bodies, our coastal waters and groundwater resources. The Chair of the Water Forum, Dr Matt Crowe, will present the award on Friday 13th January to the winning school.
In addition to the student’s projects presentations, there will be science engagement activities and shows, 4 halls of exhibitions and the Water Forum’s exhibition stand is number W8, where we will provide information on our work and education and awareness resources.
Tickets for the event cost €10 for children, €15 for adults, and €35 for a family ticket. Ticket prices for students, senior citizens, and those who require additional financial supports will to be provided at a discounted rate.
@BTYSTE on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube or Snapchat (username: BTYSTE).
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