Open Research Call for two projects on Projected Climate Impacts on Water Quantity and Water Quality

An Open Research call for two separate research projects being commissioned by the National Water Forum (An Fóram Uisce) on;

  1. Projected climate change in Ireland and associated risk to water quantity; a review of national policies, governance and plans for future proofing Ireland’s water supply
  2. Projected climate change in Ireland and associated risk to water quality; policy recommendations for Ireland

The Water Forum is the national statutory body established to facilitate stakeholder input to water policy development in Ireland, with a vision for clean and healthy waters, supporting biodiversity, community wellbeing and economic sustainability. Under the Water Services Act 2017, the Forum has advisory roles in relation to the Minister for Housing, Local Government and Heritage, Irish Water, the Commission for Regulation of Utilities and the Water Policy Advisory Committee. One of the roles of the Forum is to debate and analyse water issues related to climate change.


The Water Forum is seeking proposals from research organisations or appropriate consultancies to evaluate if and how Ireland’s policies (e.g. Government, Irish Water and rural water policies) and climate change adaptation plans address the future risk to both (1) water quantity and (2) water quality from projected climate change in Ireland. Each research tender has a maximum budget of €24,950 (inclusive of VAT and overheads where applicable).


The proposed impact of this research call is to inform thinking and policy development around projected climate change in Ireland and projected impacts on both water quality and water quantity. The research would support dialogue with national stakeholders to support the Water Forum’s advisory role in relation to water quality and the management of Ireland’s water resources.  It is envisioned that the research and policy recommendations could support the development and future revisions of climate and water policies to support their integration and provide context for the future review of the climate adaptation plan for the water sector.

Please find information booklet and application form attached. The closing date for applications is 4pm on the 17th June 2022.

Please send any queries related to the call to,


Request for Research Tender document Water Quality

Application Form Water Quality


Request for Research Tender document Water Quantity

Application Form Water Quantity



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