EPA Water Conference Programme – Integrating Policy and Practice on 16th and 17th June – 9:15 am to 12:30 pm – Free and open to everyone – Register online
Day 1 16th June Log in 9:15am
Welcome and introduction
Session 1: Setting the scene
- An introduction to water and environment policy and protection;
- A report on the 3rd River Basin Management Plan; and
- A review structures and processes in water governance in Ireland.
Session 2: Opportunities for multiple benefits
- Valuing ecosystems
- Managing Ireland’s marine resources – the benefits of an integrated approach
- Opportunities for water quality from bog restoration
Close day 1.
Day 2 17th June Log in 9:15
Welcome and introduction
Session 3: Looking forward – pressures and solutions
- Standardisation of National Climate Services: supporting water decision making
- What does the new Drinking Water Directive mean for water protection?
- Securing drinking water supplies into the future
- AgriFood 2030: the future for agriculture
Session 4: Working with communities: valuing water
- Communities and water: a vision for the future
- Behavioural change learning from SEAI’s work with communities
- The All Island Pollinator Plan: sharing stories to change behaviour
- Citizen Science: DCU’s Water Blitz
Q&A and Panel Discussion – Chaired by Dr Tom Collins
Close Day 2
Register: EPA Water Conference 2021 (ti.to)