Education Module on Freshwater Biodiversity and Habitats

To mark Ireland’s National Biodiversity Week for 2024, the Water Forum is launching its new education module on Freshwater Biodiversity and Habitats. This module consists of a Teachers resource with 4 lesson plans and supporting PowerPoint slides:

  • Lesson 1: River life and habitats – explores the life in rivers, creates freshwater food chains and identifies river habitats.
  • Lesson 2: Introduces using invertebrates as water quality indicators, kick sampling, invertebrate identification and citizen science monitoring.
  • Lesson 3: Is a study of the life cycle of the Atlantic Salmon and discusses the significant decline in populations in Ireland.
  • Lesson 4: Introduces Invasive Alien Species and their impacts on freshwater habitats.

To support students learning and provide for assessment there is also a Students Workbook.

The module is suitable for Transition year or Leaving Certificate students and is particularly useful to support learning in Agricultural Science, Geography, Biology and Climate Change Action and Sustainable Development areas of the curriculum.

The resources are available at:

Teachers Resource

Students Workbook

To find out more about National Biodiversity seek see:

National Biodiversity Week Ireland 2024

Water and Climate Conference a great success

Last week the Water Forum hosted a conference to discuss Managing Ireland's Water in a Changing Climate. The event was well attended by agencies with  roles and responsibilities for managing
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