Chairperson’s Welcome
Welcome to the An Fóram Uisce – the Water Forum website.
The National Water Forum, as the only statutory body established to advise the Minister on water policy and management in Ireland, provides stakeholder input into policy development. With 27 members representing 16 sectors including agriculture, angling, business, community and voluntary sector, domestic water consumers, education, environment, fisheries, forestry, recreation, rivers trusts, rural water, social housing, tourism, trade unions and youth, a wide variety of perspectives are facilitated to contribute to policy.
Policy positions are grounded in the most recent scientific data, input from agency experts, academic knowledge and commissioned research and consensus is achieved through dialogue and informed debate. The diverse primary views find common ground on policies, technical, governance and community solutions to provide a strong independent voice on water quality, water conservation and future proofing.
We communicate our positions through policy submissions, webinars, conferences, workshops and newsletters. We publish research reports and education and awareness resources and all are available on this website.
Our fundamental aim is to strengthen democratic input into decision making regarding water as a fundamental asset and to protect this precious gift for future generations to enjoy.
Dr Matt Crowe