Request for tender to carry out a national survey of consumer views on water services

The Water Forum is commissioning a national survey to determine views of public and private water consumers in relation to their awareness of water issues and opinions on communications with water service providers.  The objective of the research is to measure key attributes in the above area and to develop performance indicators which can be tracked in subsequent research.

Please find below the request for tender document and associated tender response document. Applications must be made using the Tender Response Document provided.

Tenders/quotations are being sought under Public Procurement Guidelines (Goods & Services) for below threshold tendering, where the contracts for goods and services will have an estimated value of between €5,000 and €25,000 (exclusive of VAT).

The closing date for the call is 5pm on the 24th May 2023, where applications should be submitted via email to Dr Aisling Corkery, Research and Policy Executive, the Water Forum: .

Further Information RfT document

TRD Water Services Customer Survey

Water Action Plan has been launched

The Water Forum welcomes the inclusion of its recommendations in the third River Basin Management Plan, but urgent implementation of this Water Action Plan is essential to achieve outcomes.  The
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