EPA Climate Lecture is on Wednesday 19th April at 7pm

The EPA, as part of the National Dialogue on Climate Action, will host a public lecture in partnership with Dublin City Council in The Round Room at The Mansion House, Dublin on 19th April at 7.00PM.

The Earth is undergoing a major rapid warming, unprecedented in its speed for millions of years. Possible changes in the Gulf Stream System (Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation – AMOC) provide a key source of uncertainty regarding future climate change. Continued melting of the Greenland Ice Sheet in the coming decades will have important consequences for the ocean ecosystem, the weather in the wider North Atlantic region, regional sea levels and the ocean’s ability to absorb carbon dioxide. Moreover, the Gulf Stream System (AMOC) has a known tipping point. The question of how close we already are to this tipping point is becoming increasingly urgent.

Professor Stefan Rahmstorf  is Co-Head of Research Department on Earth System Analysis of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research and Professor of Physics of the Oceans at the University of Potsdam. Professor Rahmstorf will also comment on the public climate debate between fossil fuel lobbying, social media fake news and political failure – and the hope that we are reaching a positive social tipping point for climate action.

The evening will be chaired by broadcaster and journalist Ella McSweeney. Ella will chair a Q&A session with Professor Rahmstorf after his presentation.

In the coming decades, water management will be particularly challenging owing to the impacts of climate change so  the more we know about the likely impacts, the better we can prepare.

Registration is available here and it is free.

EPA Climate Change Lecture Series (ti.to)

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